Covid-19 Outbreak
On february 14 2020, a chinese tourist admitted to hospital in Paris died, making it the first COVID-19 victim in France. The country then entered in its most deadly sanitary crisis of the century. On march 12 and 13, the governement ordered the closure of all non-essential public places, including restaurants, cafés, cinemas and nightclubs, as well as schools and all universities would closes. France entered a lockdown that will last 56 days.
In the meantime, hospital of the most infected région, Ile de France and Alsace, started to get saturated by the daily arrivals of victims. Medical workers, on the frontline of the fight against the pandemic, faced intense situation and had to make life-and-death choices. On the Streets of the cities, volunteer rescuers took care of the victims from their homes to the hospital. Families in grief find themselves unable to attend funerals and give to their beloved ones the ceremony they would of wanted. Inside empty churches, priests give a last tribute to victims around the country. Inside the cemetery, the few family members present have to say goodbye to their relatives without touching or placing flowers over the coffin.
On january 16 2022, after the apparition of multiple variant, France has reported 13,5 millions of confirmed cases and 124 000 deaths.